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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Making More Money on eBay and Other Auction Sites

On-line auctions are a great way to make extra cash. They are convenient and you can easily find almost anything on the planet you're looking for. It's easy to get started and you can do your business on line to a wide variety of customers.

First, you must become familiar with the different auction sites. There are many to choose from such as eBay, Yahoo, Amazon and Boxlot. Go to the different auction sites and become familiar with the seller requirements. Do you want to accept payment by a credit card? It will require you to give your credit card information to the site. They may be willing to accept payment by PayPal and getting a PayPal account is easy and free. Find out what fees, if any, the sites charge. You will want to know that so you can add that to the price of your goods.

Second, when you have found an auction site that you like, look at the specific features they offer. Look at the categories and see where your products will fit. It's a mistake to think the fewer items in a category will allow you to sell more. The smaller categories don't normally get the same traffic as a site with good competition.

Look at what your competitors are selling. Check out their prices and what they charge for shipping. What payments do they take? You will want to be competitive with similar merchandise.

Once you've decided which site or two is best for your goods, the final step is to register with the site. It could take up to 24 hours to be approved and registered.

Remember, as a seller, sites often offer reviews. So, when you receive an order, get it out in a timely manner. It will create repeat business and good advertising. You can make money on eBay and other auction sites; it's fun and profitable!

For a fast and easy way to start making money on the Internet, Dustin Cannon recommends the Plug-In Profit Site at:


5 Keys to Make More Money With Social Networking

Social networking is conducted through social networking sites which allow a member to be contacted by other members that he is acquainted with, and even by friends of those other members in turn. Thus, social networking means you get to increase the numbers of your online acquaintances exponentially. To pursue lucrative social networking, use your social networking site to market your personal site.

1. Use a username that talks about what you do in your website. You can say you are Dynamic_graphic_design_genius2007, instead of just saying Fred Hofman. People with great usernames are able to get people in their social network to become interested.

2. Join a social networking site concerned with your particular field of interest. You may not want to be part of a social networking site dominated by adolescents if you are in your mid-30s already. Be selective - you are more likely to make money from your peer group.

3. Talk about your work in your social networking site. This poses lucrative social networking possibilities because your social network may be in need of what you have to offer. Members may even refer your social networking site to others, in turn.

4. Add a link to your personal website in your social networking site. If you have friends on the social network, you might even ask them to post your personal website link on their own social networking sites. In return, agree to host any personal website links of theirs on your own social networking site. Lucrative social networking hinges on being accommodating to the needs of others as well.

5. Send invitations about your social networking site to other people in the network, as well as to people you encounter everyday. If you are also part of an e-group, ask the members of your e-group to visit your social networking site or join the network as new members.

Lucrative social networking means knowing which social network you belong to and how to meet their needs. Done the right way, lucrative social networking is possible.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘

Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation
Sean Ray is an accomplished internet article writer, and uses articles to drive online traffic.

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Make Money Online With PPC Advertising

Pay per click advertising is probably the fastest way to make extra money online. With pay per click advertising you find affiliate programs to promote and write small ads, then bid on the keywords that are relevant to your ad on the different search engines. Every time somebody clicks on your ad you pay at most the price you bid on the keyword that brought them to that particular ad. To make money with PPC advertising you need a certain percentage of your click-through to buy the product you are promoting and hope that it creates a profit. This takes some experimenting as not every affiliate program will be profitable using pay per click.

To succeed with PPC advertising you need to make more in sales than you pay for ad clicks. Some people make thousands a day. There are many online PPC guides that will show you the way to making profits with pay per click ads and affiliate programs.

2 ways to use PPC advertising is to write ads that lead directly to an affiliate programs site (direct linking), or write ads that lead to your own web site that has a link or links to affiliate programs. Of course you can create your own small business and use pay per click to advertise your business website. Direct linking is the easiest and fastest way to set up a PPC campaign, but if another advertiser is promoting the same affiliate program and bids more than you, your ad won't get shown on Google. Because of this, you are probably best off creating a web site promoting affiliate programs or your own business. If you create your own site you can promote multiple affiliate sites as well.

The largest and easiest pay per click program to use is Google Adwords. With Adwords you can advertise in just about any country you want to and minimum bids are the lowest. Adwords is automated as well, so you can put your ads up (as long as they don't break Google's Terms of Service) and have them up and running almost instantly. Google also has their massive content network allowing you to advertise on relevant websites that have Adsense on them. The biggest downside to using Google Adwords for your pay per click advertising is that they're highly competitive for most keywords and will set your minimum bids on certain keywords very high if your ad leads to a low quality site. Direct linking is also hard to succeed at with Adwords because they don't allow more than one advertisement to lead to the same URL. Ultimately, with the amount of traffic you can get from using Google Adwords, they are the best pay per click program as far as money making potential goes.

Yahoo Search Marketing is the second biggest PPC program online. Tons of traffic goes through Yahoo daily and you can make some good money advertising there. To advertise to different regions of the world with Yahoo Search Marketing you'll have to open different accounts with them. Yahoo has a minimum bid of 10 cents per click but you won't get ridiculous minimum bids due to linking to sites that aren't completely relevant to every single keyword like you will at Google.

There is other pay per click advertising programs out there like MSN Ad center but none of them will get you near the amount of traffic that advertising with Google Adwords or Yahoo Search Marketing will get you.

This entry was posted on Friday, September 7th, 2007 at 9:34 pm and is filed under Business, Advertising, Online Advertising, Financial, Helpful Information.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

How I want to help you make more money online…

Unlike most internet marketing websites that we all come across, I wanted to do something different and special with this website. Rather than focusing solely on “getting the sale” like most IM’ers do these days, my ultimate goal for this website is to give you as much value as I possibly can, and to do that… my entire focus is... Read Entire Article.

The Reason Why Bloggers Blog

According to Technorati, an internet search engine for searching blogs, the company is currently tracking 104.6 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media. There are certainly blogs that are written by employees of companies trying to put a good spin on their organisation and products or services they offer. There are political commentary blogs that support candidates vying for voters. You can find blogs on every topic you can imagine. There are many blogs...Read Entire Article...

Social Book Marking Tips For Earning More Money

Social book marking is one of the latest tactics for promoting your products and services. The links to the web sites and pages within the social book marking sites are arranged in such a way that they can be easily accessed by people searching for them. Listed in this report are a few tips that will help you make more money with social book marking by making your web content more accessible. Read Entire Article...